Fruits, shelf-life, Solanum melongena L.Abstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of eggplant Napoli cv. coated with Carnauba wax and stored for seven days at room temperature. Treatments consisted of immersion of fruits in two concentrations of two types of commercial wax, totaling four treatments: Meghwax ECF 124 to 9% concentrations (Megh 9%); Meghwax ECF 124 to 18% (Megh 18%), Arua BR 18% (Pomacea canaliculata) Tropical 9% (Arua 9%), and Arua BR 18% Tropical 18% (Arua 18%). The control treatment consisted of fruit without coating with wax and immersed in water. Fruits were analyzed at 0, 3, 6, and 7 days for the outer appearance, weight loss, turgor pressure, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), SS/TA ratio, ascorbic acid, and pH. The waxes were effective in reducing weight loss. The turgor pressure showed a decrease during storage, which was more pronounced in the control treatment. The treatments did not differ among themselves for the levels of soluble solids. Fruits immersed in Arua wax at 18% concentration showed higher titratable acidity. The levels were reduced during storage. The control fruits showed higher pH. The ascorbic acid contents decreased by 15.0%, 16.4%, 16.5%, 16.9%, and 34%, considering the control treatments. Fruits subjected to Arua wax at 18% had longer shelf-life; the control fruits showed shorter shelf-life. Thus, it is concluded that 18% Aruá wax was the most effective to increase the shelf life of eggplants when stored at room temperature.
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