Colouring of coffee grains related to different relative humidity of the drying air after partial drying




colouring, dew point temperature, dry bulb temperature, drying, relative humidity


Changes in color of coffee grains are indications of occurrence of oxidative processes and biochemical changes, which can alter the taste and aroma precursors of the grains, resulting in lower beverage quality. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the color characteristics of peeled coffee grains subjected to different relative humidity of the drying air after partial drying. Coffee (Coffea arabica) fruits were harvested in the cherry stage and were wet processed. The treatments were the results of the combination of three dry bulb temperatures and three dew point temperatures. The control of dew point temperature was performed only after the grains reach the partial drying. Considering the Tbd of 40 °C - 40 °C, the reduction of the Tpd (2.6 °C) increased the grains bleaching, while the increase of Tpd (16.2 °C) resulted in a more yellowish-red. Tbd of 40 °C - 35 °C and 35 °C - 35 °C are indicated for bluish-green color formation, associated with higher sensory quality. The Color Saturation (C*) of the coffee grains are highly correlated with the b* color parameter, while the tonality (Hue) is negatively correlated with the a* color parameter.


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Author Biography

Rodrigo Victor Moreira

Engenheiro Agrícola, Mestre em engenharia agrícola atuando com processamento de produtos agrícolas, doutorando em engenharia agrícola na linha de processamento de produtos agrícolas.


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How to Cite

Moreira, R. V., & Corrêa, J. L. G. (2020). Colouring of coffee grains related to different relative humidity of the drying air after partial drying. Engineering in Agriculture, 28(Contínua), 343–349.



Agricultural products storage and processing

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