Ergonomic evaluation of agricultural tractors used in forestry operations




Ergonomics, Farming machinery, Forest mechanization, Forestry production, Occupational Health


The objective of this work was to evaluate farming machines adapted to forestry work and to verify if their characteristics meet the safety, ergonomics and working conditions necessary to maintain the health and safety of the operators. Thus, three farming tractors were selected, with a closed cabin and a minimum power of 73.5 kW, a widely used specification in the forestry sector. The following ergonomic parameters were considered: acess to the cab, cab dimensions, visibility, seat, controls and operation, work posture, cabin air conditioning, noise, lighting and maintenance aspects. The evaluations were based on the guidelines contained in the “Ergonomic Guidelines for Forest Machines” of the Swedish Forestry Research Institute, developed for forestry machines. The results showed that all the evaluated machines presented ergonomic standards below those indicated in all evaluated aspects, particularly related to access to the work station and difficulties during mechanical maintenance, besides the necessity of adopting forced postures during the working day due to operator’s seats. It was concluded that the farming machines adapted for work in forest processes presented significant gaps in relation to the ergonomic aspects, which represents high and imminent risks of development of occupational diseases in their operators, as well as the predisposition to work accidents.


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How to Cite

Machado, J. S., Schettino, S., Colen, F., & Pereira, S. (2020). Ergonomic evaluation of agricultural tractors used in forestry operations. Engineering in Agriculture, 28(Contínua), 435–445.



Agricultural mechanization

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