Effect of foliar-applied tannery sludge on growth and physiology of Passiflora edulis seedlings





yellow passion fruit, secondary metabolism, propagation, sustainability


Today, industries are increasingly concerned about the disposal of their waste. One of the proposed solutions to deal with certain wastes is through agriculture in the form of fertilizers. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of liquid tannery sludge as foliar fertilizer on the growth and physiology of passion fruit seedlings. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in a randomized block design with six replications. Six treatments were applied to leaves: tannery sludge diluted in water (132, 263, 395 and 527 mL L-1); only water (control); and the conventional treatment. The following growth characteristics were evaluated: leaf production, plant height, crown diameter, stem diameter, total fresh matter and dry matter of the plants. The physiological characteristics evaluated were the indices chlorophyll, nitrogen balance, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and plant color. The flavonoid index increased in plants that received foliar application of 527 mL L-1 without compromising the other characteristics evaluated. The doses 263, 395 and 527 mL L-1 showed the best results for the growth characteristics, equaling those of the conventional treatments. Foliar application of tannery sludge can be recommended for yellow passion fruit seedlings.


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How to Cite

Sales, R. A. de ., Berilli, S. da S. ., Pereira, L. C., Pinheiro, A. P. B., Ribeiro, W. R., & Berilli, A. P. C. G. (2020). Effect of foliar-applied tannery sludge on growth and physiology of Passiflora edulis seedlings. Engineering in Agriculture, 28(Contínua), 549–557. https://doi.org/10.13083/reveng.v29i1.9970



Energy in Agriculture