Spatial correlation between the chemical attributes of a red latosol and the grain yield of common bean




precision agriculture, geostatistics, soil management, irrigation, soil quality


In recent years, common bean in Brazil has become interesting to precede the growing of off-season cotton due to its short cycle. This study was carried out in a Red Latosol in Chapadão do Sul, MS and aimed to select among the attributes of the evaluated soils, those with the best linear and spatial correlation, to explain the variability of grain yield of common bean in the soil layers of 0 - 0.10 m (layer 1) and 0.10 - 0.20 m (layer 2), sampled in a grid of 121 georeferenced points (spacing of 5 meters between points). The soil chemical attributes were determined: pH, carbon (C), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), and the sum of bases (SB). The analysis of these data was carried out using statistical and geostatistical techniques that made it possible to verify that for the grain yield of common bean, the multiple regression analysis indicates that approximately 20% of its variation is attributed to the variation in the chemical attributes of the soil presented in the present study. The chemical attributes pH1, pH2, C1, Ca1, Ca2, Mg1a, Mg2, Al2, SB1, and SB2 have spatial dependence classified mostly as moderate. Both linearly and spatially, C1 stood out as a potential indicator of common bean grain yield when grown under no-tillage.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, J. T., Roque, C. G. ., Borges, M. R. Z. ., Minotto, V. A. ., & Javarez, A. L. . (2020). Spatial correlation between the chemical attributes of a red latosol and the grain yield of common bean. Engineering in Agriculture, 28(Contínua), 425–434.



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