The applicability of Rouanet Law to the promotion of an axiological cultural base
Rouanet Law, Axiological cultural base, Art, Cultural market, Cultural RightsAbstract
In the present article, we analyze the Brazilian Law nº 8,313 / 1991 (known as Rouanet Law), which establishes the National Program of Culture Support and its modalities of treatment, that means: the National Fund of Culture, the Cultural and Artistic Investment Funds and the Incentive to Cultural Projects – Federal Patronage. We emphasize the importance of public funds to the promotion and perpetuation of the less economic cultural manifestations. And we also discuss the thoughts of Ronald Dworking, which guides where state subsidy for arts should be allocated, it considering the context of a plural cultural basis construction. Finally, we reflect about the Rouanet Law applicability and its necessity of improvement, in order to democratically boost and perpetuate the less economic cultural manifestations, so that, in a satisfactory way, the State fulfills its role of promoting a axiological cultural basis.
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