The history of the brazilian university population
class and race aspects
Higher education, Social quota, Racial quotaAbstract
This article aims to analyze the racial and social affirmative action policies in Brazilian universities. It analyzes the composition of the university population regarding race and class aspects. Therefore, this article discusses the university formation in Brazil and demonstrates how a racist mentality was constituted, based on conservative thinking. It has the objective to promote more critical thinking, while analyzing changes in the understanding of the university’s role in Brazilian society. Additionally, it verifies whether and how much the original selective character of the higher education system underwent significant changes with the implementation of affirmative actions, mainly when it comes to Brazilian Law no. 12,711/2012, the so-called Quotas Law. We conducted bibliographic research with literature review and an analysis of the Higher Education Census data and of the V National Survey of Socioeconomic and Cultural Profile of undergraduate students in 2018, published by ANDIFES in 2019.
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