Some realism about new negal realism: what’s new, what’s legal, what’s real?


  • Ino Augsberg Universidade de Kiel



Constructivism, Empiricism, Epistemology, Legal reality, Representation


Current endeavours to develop a ‘realistic’ concept of international law should take into account that there is not only one reality. It does not suf?ce to admit that reality can be perceived from different angles. Rather, a realistic account of modern society has to acknowledge that we can no longer speak of the ‘world’ or ‘reality’ as a singular entity. Perspectives matter; they construct their own, distinct objects of cognition. A ‘New Legal Realism’ is deliberately new, legal, and realistic only insofar as it is conceived as an understanding of how (international) law creates its own realities.


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Author Biography

Ino Augsberg, Universidade de Kiel

Catedrático de Filosofia do Direito e Direito Público da Universidade de Kiel, Alemanha, desde 2013. Estudou Filosofia, História da arte, Literatura e Direito nas universidades de Freiburg e Heidelberg, Alemanha, com doutorado em Filosofia (2001) e Direito (2008). Co-diretor do Instituto Hermann Kantorowicz para pesquisas em fundamentos do direito na Universidade Christian-Albrechts de Kiel, Alemanha.


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How to Cite

AUGSBERG, I. Some realism about new negal realism: what’s new, what’s legal, what’s real?. Revista de Direito, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 01, p. 01–26, 2021. DOI: 10.32361/2021130111700. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.




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