Dialogue. Education. Crime. Restorative Justice.Abstract
This paper has as its theme the analysis about the intersection between the dialogic proposal of liberating education of Paulo Freire and the new justice model, called Restorative Justice, which’s an alternative to the punitive retributive paradigm. Knowing that the liberating education of Freire is an instrument of the liberation of the oppressed and it’s based in the promotion of dialogue between these individuals, we should consider that the oppressed are all those whose right pronunciation of the world is denied by oppressive reality. Considering that in criminal proceedings victim and offender fit the concept of the oppressed, because they have the pronunciation of the world denied when the relativization of its role in the search for the conflict solution, we analyze how the Restorative paradigm restores to the subjects of the criminal conflict the ownership of the right to search for peaceful responds to the problem of crime.Downloads
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