
  • Diego Garcia Leite Comissão de Desporto do Exército - CDE
  • Marco Túlio Baptista Comissão de Desporto do Exército - CDE
  • Fábio Alves Machado Instituto Pesquisa de Capacitação Física do Exército - IPCFEx
  • Paulo Cezar Marinho Escola de Especialistas da Aeronáutica - EEAr


military pentathlon, obstacle run, part-time, correlation.


The aim of this study was to analyze through kinematics two components of Obstacle Run (OR): the obstacle passing average time (OAT) and the clean race mean time (CRT). The sample consisted of 07 athletes divided into two groups: Brazil Group (06 athletes from Brazil’s Team of Military Pentathlon) and Record Group (world’s record athlete of OR). To be better analyzed the OR was divided into two main components. From these definitions, it was possible to analyze the variable time (s) of each component: the OAT, the CRT and the official total race time (TT) of the competition each athlete. OAT values of both groups are close, but the same was not true for CRT. Considering the variables CRT and OAT and comparing them between Brazil Group (CRT = 4.18s; OAT = 2.886s) and Record Group (CRT = 3.366s; OAT = 2.784s), the average results achieved from the obtained times indicated that there were no significant difference between groups. Although it was noted no evidence of significant difference between the groups, it is observed that the Record Group has a better ability of 19.47% when compared to the Brazilian athletes in the variable CRT. The results of our study suggest that the OAT and CRT are highly correlated with results of TT. However, only the TCL showed a significant correlation. Thus, it is necessary to emphasize the training of running, running technique and reaction time in order to improve the CRT.


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How to Cite

Leite, D. G. ., Baptista, M. T. ., Machado , F. A. ., & Marinho, P. C. . (2015). ANALYSIS OF COMPETITIVE PERFORMANCE IN OBSTACLE RUN OF MILITARY PENTATHLON THROUGH BIOMECHANICS. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 23(1), 7–21. Retrieved from

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