
  • Wilson Pinheiro de Carvalho Filho Centro Olímpico do Espírito Santo, Centro Universitário São Camilo, ABT/COB
  • Altair Maria Prado Academia Brasileira de Treinadores – COB
  • Claudia Andrade Judice Centro Olímpico do Espírito Santo, ABT/COB.
  • Edson Marcos de Godoy Palomares Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Faculdades Integradas do Ceará, Estácio, Comitê Olímpico Brasileiro


artistic gymnastics, landing, floor exercise


The present study investigated the failure rate in the landings of salto elements during floor exercise of female artistic gymnastics. The data were collected during the senior Brazilian gymnastics championships. 29 senior female gymnasts were observed. The routines were recorded, and analyzed all the landings, using the penalty system of the International Gymnastics Federation’s Code Point. The higher frequency value of deduction was 0.30, corresponding to 6.9%. The diagonal with the highest mean discount on landing was the first, with 0.42 ± 0.09 points. Regarding the number of acrobatic passages, 18 gymnasts showed four and11 made three passes. The gymnasts had failures in 100% of landings, with mean of discount of 1.34 ± 0.04 points in total and mean of discount of 0.36 ± 0.04 points in each diagonal with acrobatic element. The study found significant deficiency in the performance foundation of landing the Brazilian gymnasts.


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How to Cite

Carvalho Filho, W. P. de ., Prado, A. M. ., Judice, C. A. ., & Palomares, E. M. de G. . (2015). ÍNDICE DE FALHAS NAS ATERRISSAGENS DAS ACROBACIAS DE SOLO DE ATLETAS BRASILEIRAS ADULTAS DE GINÁSTICA ARTÍSTICA FEMININA. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 23(1), 148–159. Retrieved from https://beta.periodicos.ufv.br/revminef/article/view/10022

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