intermittent exercise, oxidative stress, trained womenAbstract
Exercise of high intensity and long duration can lead to an imbalance between pro and antioxidant systems, causing damage to proteins, DNA and the lipid layer of the cell membrane. This study aimed to evaluate the oxidative stress parameters after a session of intermittent aerobic exercise. The study included 32 women divided into four groups: young trained (n8) with 29.0 ± 3.5 of age, middle-aged trained women (n9) at 48.8 ± 3.8 years old, sedentary young (n9 ) with 25.4 ± 3.2 years old and middle-aged sedentary women (n6) with 47.6 ± 2.6 years old, submitted to a session of fifty minutes of aerobic intermittent exercise, performed in stationary bike. We measured oxidative stress parameters (TBARS, CAT, NPSH) before exercise, immediately after, and after sixty minutes of recovery. There was an increase in oxidative damage and decrease in antioxidant enzyme catalase, with increase in the levels of non-protein thiols. The intermittent exercise causes changes in the levels of TBARS in CAT activity and NPSH levels in both young women and middle-aged.
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