martial arts, judo, handgrip, sports training, athletic performanceAbstract
The purpose of this study was to verify if there is significant difference between maximal isometric grip strength (Fmax) absolute and relative between the dominant and non-dominant limb in high performance athletes of judo. The sample consisted of 21 athletes competing at the national level, of both sexes. To verify Fmax, it was utilized a hydraulic hand dynamometer of Chattanooga Group. In the statistical treatment, it was utilized the mean and standard deviation, and in the inferential statistical, it was performed the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality and paired t test for parametric data, considering p <0.05. Regarding the absolute Fmax in the dominant limb (FmaxD), it was found a mean of 51.69 ± 9.93 kg / force (kgf); in the non-dominant limb (FmaxND) the mean was 50.46 ± 9.36 kgf for men. In women it was found a eman of 35.12 ± 6.93 kgf for FmaxD, and in the non-dominant limb, 36.50 ± 6.30 kg / f of FmaxND, however, there was no significant difference between FmaxD and FmaxND in both groups . In Fmax relative for men, it was found a mean of 0.64 ± 0.12 kgf * kg-1 in the dominant limb (FmaxRD) and 0.63 ± 0.13 kgf * kg1 for Fmax relative in the non-dominant limb (FmaxRND). For women, it was found a mean of 0.55 ± 0.15 kgf * FmaxRD kg-1 and 0.56 ± 0.10 kgf * kg-1 for FmaxRND; paired t test indicated no significant difference between FmaxRD and FmaxRND in both groups. It is concluded that judo seems to strengthen the bilateral handgrip in competitors and that athletes’ performance in both sexes showed no significant differences when considering the total body weight.
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