The lifestyle and physical activity are directly related to people’s health and, mainly, the workers. A sloppy lifestyle can be a decisive factor for appearing serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. The lifestyle is related to five


  • Daiane Chiapetti Acadêmica do curso de Educação Física da Universidade do Contestado - UnC Concórdia /SC
  • Ivan Carlos Bagnara Doutorando em Educação nas Ciências – UNIJUI. Professor do Curso de Educação Física da Universidade do Contestado - UnC - Concórdia / SC


lifestyle, quality of life, physical activity


The lifestyle and physical activity are directly related to people’s health and, mainly, the workers. A sloppy lifestyle can be a decisive factor for appearing serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. The lifestyle is related to five components: nutrition, physical activity, preventive behavior, stress management and social relationship. When some of these components are below acceptable levels, it contributes negatively on the individual’s health. The present study aimed to outline the lifestyle profile of 30 women, 15 housewives in the age group of 30-59 years and 15 elderly aged from 60-75 years. The instrument used was the Individual Lifestyle Profile (PEVI) proposed by Nahas (2001), which analyzes the lifestyle of individuals or groups. The final results show that both groups studied have positive indices of welfare. In numbers, these indices are 2.18 for workwomen and, superior than this, 2.53 for elderly women, indicating that the latter have a more appropriate lifestyle when we think of health and quality of life. The worst indices of lifestyle for workwomen were presented in physical activity components (1.45) and stress management (1.82). While for elderly women, physical activity components (1.76) and nutrition (2.51) were those with the worst results, logically decreasing the final average


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How to Cite

Chiapetti, D. ., & Bagnara, I. C. . (2014). The lifestyle and physical activity are directly related to people’s health and, mainly, the workers. A sloppy lifestyle can be a decisive factor for appearing serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. The lifestyle is related to five . Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 22(1), 19–33. Retrieved from