
  • Daniel Bocchini Mestre em Educação Física pela Universidade São Judas Tadeu (USJT) e docente da rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo.
  • Daniel Teixeira Maldonado Doutorando do Programa Stricto-Sensu em Educação Física da Universidade São Judas Tadeu (USJT) e docente da rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo


school physical education, corporal culture, kite


This study aimed to relate an experience developed in the first half of the year 2013, during approximately the first three months, about the themes of kite in Physical Education classes in a public school in the city of São Paulo, located in the north, in Freguesia do Ó neighborhood with students of the 7th year. The choice of this theme is disregarded for two reasons: first, the fact that their frequency is higher during school vacation - as the proposal did well at the beginning of the school year, it was still possible to witness some practitioners; and the second reason is due to the meeting that all school teachers participated, in which was decided that the theme of the Especial de Ação Project school would be the manifestations of culture. We conducted a preliminary survey in order to diagnose what knowledge the students had about this topic. Thus, we verified that they had the representation that this manifestation of corporal culture was an activity only for males and that they had the reputation of being unemployed and irresponsible. From this information, we draw several pedagogical practices, which sought to reflect, question, experiment and understand the practice of body language. Among the several actions, we proposed a knowledge of history, discussion of prejudice, the slang of kiters, kites’ championships, risks regarding the use of glycerol (wax), production of kites and experimentation of prancing. After the conclusion of this project, we can bring new meanings to the image of kite practitioners. 


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How to Cite

Bocchini, D. ., & Maldonado, D. T. . (2014). PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE DIFFERENTIATED IN PUBLIC SCHOOL: THEMATIZING KITES IN THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 22(1), 141–154. Retrieved from