
  • Sebastião Júlio Alves da Silva Matias Graduado em Educação Física pela FESBH
  • Gustavo De Conti Teixeira Costa Professor Mestre Orientador pela FESBH


Volleyball, Knowledge Tactic Declarative


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the level of tactical declarative knowledge of the athletes of children and junior categories of the Sesi-Betim. The study sample was comprised of 32 volleyball athletes, of which 22 are 15 years old, members of the children category; and 10 aged between 16 and 17 years old, belonging to the junior category. The athletes answered to the questionnaire of tactical declarative knowledge in volleyball from the validation of scenes of attack, set and block. Statistical tests were applied to determine the existence of difference between the levels of competition in volleyball in relation to tactical declarative knowledge. The data were expressed using descriptive statistics: mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value. The results found showed that the athletes of the older category demonstrated tactical declarative knowledge superior to that of the athletes of the younger category. Probably, factors related to specialization influenced the result of the tests applied, since the time of practice altered the level of tactical declarative knowledge. Finally, the athletes, for the most part, knew how to express what would be the decision to make facing the problem situations, but they were unable to justify their actions. 


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How to Cite

Matias, S. J. A. da S. ., & Costa, G. D. C. T. . (2016). TACTICAL DECLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE IN VOLLEYBALL: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ATHLETES OF CHILDREN AND JUNIOR CATEGORIES OF THE SESI BETIM. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 24(2), 17–27. Retrieved from https://beta.periodicos.ufv.br/revminef/article/view/9830