
  • Rodrigo Mendes Costa Professor de Educação Física da EEMASA – Escola Estadual Maria Augusta Silva Araújo com Aperfeiçoamento em Proposta Curricular e Metodologias na Educação Integral – UFV; PósGraduação em Treinamento Desportivo – UFV; Pós-Graduação em Atividades Motoras para Promoção da Saúde e Qualidade de Vida – UFJF; Pós-Graduação em Atividade Física e Saúde – UFPR e Mestre em Ciências da Educação Física, Esporte e Recreação – UCCFD UNIVERSIDADE DE MATANZAS – CUBA.
  • Renato Maia dos Santos Professor de Educação Física da EEMASA – Escola Estadual Maria Augusta Silva Araújo


Environment, Recycling, School Physical Education


The aim of this study is to report the experience applied with the introduction of the project “Escorrega no Sabão” at Maria Augusta Silva Araujo State School, in Muriaé, city in the state of Minas Gerais, and specifically developed for the 9th grade students of the elementary school, during the first half of 2011. The objective was to expand the students ‘ knowledge and awareness of the importance of preserving the environment, seeking to explore different themes in the context of environmental education. Environmental Education is an essential, integral and permanent educational component and should be present at all levels and modalities of the educational process. Still, it should also be discussed in all disciplines, including Physical Education. This process of teaching and learning should consider students in all its dimensions. In this study about the environmental issue, the Physical Education classes used a didactic and interdisciplinary approach to discuss the recycling theme, as a reference for the theoretical and practical classes, specifically the presentation and contextualization of recycling of cooking, use of junk to build toys for fun and games and outdoor extreme sports. Initially, the theme was explored using educational videos from the internet about recycling cooking oil to make soap, with subsequent discussion and debates with students, in addition to the display of some toys made with scraps and, finally, a mural and an explanatory poster of various sports that can be practiced in nature.


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How to Cite

Costa, R. M. ., & Santos, R. M. dos . (2016). “ESCORREGA NO SABÃO” PROJECT - AN ENVIRONMENTAL ALTERNATIVE IN THE CONTEXT OF SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION: A CASE STUDY. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 24(2), 115–132. Retrieved from https://beta.periodicos.ufv.br/revminef/article/view/9840