
  • Filipe Soares Bernardes Universidade Estácio de Sá – Campus Petrópolis
  • Luiz Carlos Michelotti Pinheiro
  • Eduardo Hippolyto Latscat Cherem Universidade Estácio de Sá – Campus Petrópolis
  • Juliana Esteves Borsatto Universidade Estácio de Sá – Campus Petrópolis
  • Fernando Petrocelli de Azeredo Universidade Estácio de Sá – Campus Petrópolis; Universidade Salgado de Oliveira


relative age, basic categories


In the face of the incessant quest for new talents, some processes of selection of young players were created throughout history with the aim of improving the system of recruitment and selection of young talents. One of the major trends used by clubs, coaches and “football professionals” in the selection process is the imposition of the Relative Age (difference between biological and chronological age). Objective: To analyze the distribution of dates of birth and identification of the birth quartile of the athletes who played in the clubs that participated in the first division of the Carioca Championship of 2014. Sample: The sample was composed by 771 athletes, representing 16 clubs in the state championship in 2014. Methods: Data collection was performed on the website of the Football Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FERJ). Results: From 771 athletes collected, the first quartile had 312 players (40.5%), the second quartile had 220 players (28.5%), the third quartile had 148 players (19.2%) and the last and fourth quartile had 91 players (11.8%).). Conclusion: There was a strong trend in the selection of players born in initial quartiles (1st and 2nd) due to the advantages of biological maturation obtained in the base categories, however these advantages will be diminished and annulled in the adult phase, however it is possible to verify in the adult/professional category the effect of the relative age coming from the selection process of the basic categories


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How to Cite

Bernardes, F. S. ., Pinheiro, L. C. M. ., Cherem, E. H. L. ., Borsatto, J. E. ., & Azeredo, F. P. de . (2016). EFFECT OF THE RELATIVE AGE IN THE PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS OF THE FIRST DIVISION OF THE STATE CHAMPIONSHIP OF RIO DE JANEIRO 2014. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 24(3), 16–27. Retrieved from https://beta.periodicos.ufv.br/revminef/article/view/9878

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