
  • Gabriel Barbero Gagliardi Universidade Federal de Viçosa (aluno de pós-graduação)
  • João Fernando Laurito Gagliardi Centro Universitário FIEO


Soccer, evaluation, aerobic power


This article’s aim was to review the anaerobic power (AP) determination tests and their applications in professional soccer players. The AP manifestation depends basically on the hyperbolic relation between force and speed. Great power values are achieved for the optimum point of the force-speed relation, usually found in a mid-range between the development zone of maximum force and maximum speed. An important fact involving obtaining the AP is that the main variables used to provide such AP information, as the Vertical Jump (Sargent Jump), the staircase test (Margaria), the All-out tests (Wingate) and Isokinetic test (less used for this purpose), were validated by theoretical construct, assuming that the largest mechanical power peak or the shortest time to reach the mechanical power peak are associated to the anaerobic system’s higher power. This research is based on a review, in which are presented such methods of anaerobic power determination, followed by related studies performed in the last 10 years with this sport’s athletes, especially in Brazil. Besides the strategies mentioned, some less traditional tests have been suggested for the anaerobic metabolism evaluation. They are: the Maximal Anaerobic Running Test (MART); the 5 x 30 meters Race; and the Running-based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST). These tests have the advantage of closeness to soccer and are easy to be applied, requiring lower cost technological apparatus. Currently, the RAST has been the researchers’ preferred strategy for AP estimation, probably by its practicality both for the application form, spent time and proximity to the sport reality, and for the possibility to be also indicative of aerobic capacity and fatigue index, important parameters in training prescribing. However, it is vital that professionals who use this strategy be careful about the measure accuracy and the floor quality, to avoid having their results distorted.


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How to Cite

Gagliardi, G. B. ., & Gagliardi, J. F. L. . (2015). METHODS OF ANAEROBIC POWER EVALUATION IN SOCCER PLAYERS. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 23(3), 87–102. Retrieved from