
  • Eduardo José Dallegrave Professor Licenciado e Bacharel em Educação Física na Universidade do Contestado - UnC Concórdia /SC.
  • Ivan Carlos Bagnara Doutorando em Educação nas Ciências – UNIJUI. Professor do Curso de Educação Física da Universidade do Contestado – UnC - Concórdia, SC e da Faculdade IDEAU – Getúlio Vargas, RS


physical exercises, elderly, flexibility, strength, balance


Currently, the elderly rate has been growing significantly everywhere. Along with this population growth, is has increased the level of awareness that physical exercise brings numerous psychological, physiological and social-affective benefits, besides helping with daily living activities. This study aimed to assess the level of physical fitness and its influence on quality of life and health of elderly practitioners of gymnastics in the city of Peritiba, SC. The study included 17 elderly of both sexes, aged between 60 and 75 years, who attended a gymnastics program in the city of Peritiba, SC. This is a quantitative and descriptive research. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in order to compare the data found in the pretest with post-test. The following results were found: the strength improved 61.3%; flexibility, 88.2%; and the balance, had an increase of 92.3%. Regarding the quality of life, we found that there were significant improvements in this population.


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How to Cite

Dallegrave, E. J. ., & Bagnara, I. C. . (2015). LEVEL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE ELDERLY PRACTITIONERS OF GYMNASTICS IN THE CITY OF PERITIBA, SC. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 23(2), 17–29. Retrieved from https://beta.periodicos.ufv.br/revminef/article/view/9959