Food security of agricultural farmers in the Brazilian Semiarid




Familiar agriculture. Agroecological intercropping. Food security


The present study sought to describe the food security situation experienced by families of agroecological farmers in the municipalities of Choró, Massapê and Tauá, assisted by the ONG ESPLAR in Ceará. The Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA) was used, which has the income factor as the main determinant and a scale adapted from the EBIA that takes into account production for self-consumption. 61 families of agroecological farmers were investigated, which contained in their nucleus at least one minor member and another with all members over 18 years old. The results suggest that the income factor was not the only determinant in the food and nutritional security of these farmers, emphasizing the importance of production for self-consumption. The verification of food insecurity by EBIA can be overestimated because it does not consider production for self-consumption. Agroecological methods combined with knowledge exchange can increase food security.


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How to Cite

SILVA, J. V., LOPES, V. S., ALMEIDA , M. V. R. de ., GIRÃO, A. L. de A. ., QUEMEL, P. da S. ., OLIVEIRA, R. T. de, & OLIVEIRA, T. S. de . (2021). Food security of agricultural farmers in the Brazilian Semiarid. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 10.


