WebCiência as an articulation strategy between scientific communication and university extension





Science outreach, Social media, YouTube®, Chemistry


Digital communication platforms have become essential as tools to strengthen communication between the university and the external community. This work reports the use of YouTube® in the extension action “WebCiência IQ-UFG” carried out by the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), analyzing metrics of social reach in the internal and external communities of the UFG. The promoted webinars had a broad profile, with emphasis on those of general nature, associated with Teaching & Society themes, and those on the frontiers of Chemistry, especially in the health area. Views and likes did not show significant differences between the remote and face-to-face teaching modalities, with a tendency to replace UFG internal participants with an external audience in the webinar cycle after the return to face-to-face activities. The action proved its extension nature, as in all webinars there was the participation of the external public, covering all Brazilian states and other countries.


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How to Cite

SGOBBI, L. F., SEVERINO, V. G. P., BARBOSA, M. S., CLEMENTE, A. D., PAIVA, J. V. F., & FERRI, P. H. (2023). WebCiência as an articulation strategy between scientific communication and university extension. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 12. https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v12i.15659


