


Information and Communication Technologies. Gender Inequalities. Domestic Space.


This study seeks to understand the uses and purposes that men and women give to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), as well as their relationship with the social roles played by both in the domestic space. It is assumed that the social roles that men and women play in society, interfere in the uses that both make of technologies and make up gender inequalities. The empirical excerpt took as a reference 325 people, including students, professors and civil servants linked to a Brazilian public university, of both sexes and of different generations. The theoretical approach adopted considers the mutual influence between technology and the social context in which it operates, recognizing the inter-influence between structure and action. The results showed that the uses of ICT for women are more associated with the private space and the practices of family care and, for men, the use of digital media was more focused on opportunities in professional networks. And, even though the new technologies have introduced changes to the way in which care and domestic work practices are coordinated, women still remain the main responsible for them.


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Author Biographies

Neide Maria de Almeida Pinto, Federal University of Viçosa, UFV

PhD in Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC / SP); Professor in the Department of Home Economics and in the Graduate Program in Home Economics at the Federal University of Viçosa, MG, Brazil.

Joyce Keli do Nascimento Silva, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil

Post-doctorate in Home Economics from the Federal University of Viçosa; PhD in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.

Ana Louise de Carvalho Fiúza, Federal University of Viçosa, UFV

PhD in Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society by the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, MG, Brazil. Professor at the Department of Rural Economics and the Graduate Program in Home Economics at the Federal University of Viçosa, MG


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How to Cite

Pinto, N. M. de A., Silva, J. K. do N., & Fiúza, A. L. de C. . (2021). THE USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS FROM A GENDER PERSPECTIVE . Oikos: Família E Sociedade Em Debate, 32(2), 1–17.

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