Prototype of automated irrigation system using raspberry pi and solar energy




Automation, Photovoltaic solar energy, IoT, Irrigation


According to surveys and projections by the United Nations (UN), by the year 2100, the world population will reach about 11.2 billion people. Thus, the need arises to develop modern technologies for food production aimed at the future population. Irrigation performed correctly can increase crop productivity, and automated systems are an excellent alternative for controlling irrigation processes. Among the most varied forms of powering water pumping systems, photovoltaic solar energy has become a viable and sustainable alternative for energy generation. This work aimed to build and analyze a prototype of automated irrigation powered by photovoltaic panels, using Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP8266 and MQTT protocol to inform the user on a mobile device about the monitoring of the system. Despite being a low-cost system, approximately R$ 2.000.00, the results obtained through the sensors showed good accuracy. With the use of IoT technology, it was possible to monitor soil moisture information that impacts the production system instantly. In addition, using part of the prototype to obtain soil moisture by sending the information via the internet, without needing for a physical connection, proved effective in sending the data.


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How to Cite

Borges, R. C., Beuter, C. H., & Ferreira, G. M. S. (2022). Prototype of automated irrigation system using raspberry pi and solar energy. Engineering in Agriculture, 30(Contínua), 424–438.



Energy in Agriculture