Analysis of the longitudinal distribution of tomato seedlings transplanting as a function of operational speed




Control charts, seedlings deposition, stand, Solanum lycopersicum, uniformity of distribution


The semi-mechanized transplanting of industrial tomato seedlings has become a viable alternative for the farmers. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of operating speed in the transplanting process of tomato seedlings. The work was conducted in a commercial area with 58 ha irrigated by a center pivot. The operating speeds evaluated were of 1.62; 3.15 and 4.00 km h-1, being the measurement of the distribution and the number of transplanted seedlings carried out after the passage of the mechanized set. The means of the distances between seedlings determined at each operating speed, before and after the passing on, were analyzed by Tukey test at 5% probability. For lower operating speeds of transplanting, it was observed a greater distance between the seedlings.


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How to Cite

Machado, T. de A., de Medeiros, H. H. M., da Silva, R. P., Santos, F. L., & Cunha, J. P. B. (2020). Analysis of the longitudinal distribution of tomato seedlings transplanting as a function of operational speed. Engineering in Agriculture, 28(Contínua), 293–301.



Agricultural mechanization

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