Women's Cafee:

organized women seeking equality in the South of Minas, Brazil



Female empowerment in agriculture is a very relevant topic, since many of the agricultural products are produced by women. In coffee production, most activities are carried out by female hands. Despite the great participation of women in this environment, devaluation still occurs and many have difficulties in securing their place in decision-making, whether in cooperatives, associations or even at home. The Grupo Mulheres Organizadas Buscando Igualdade (MOBI), linked to the Cooperativa dos Agricultores Familiares de Poço Fundo e Região (COOPFAM) is a group of women producers of Female Organic Coffee and Female Sustainable Coffee in the city of Poço Fundo-MG and region that seek to change this reality. Together they develop cooperation work so that, in addition to marketing coffee and ensuring financial autonomy, they also participate in courses and events that enable the development of values ??that promote the appreciation and empowerment of women in agriculture. Currently, the MOBI Group's own brand of female coffees is marketed, which are recognized by the seal of Participative Certification of Female Coffee. Interviews were conducted with members and collaborators of COOPFAM, as well as the participants of the MOBI Group who told their experiences and reports that contributed to the construction of this article. The first coffee marketed by women took place in 2012 and consisted of a blend with the coffee of all the participants. Many values ??are worked on and cared for by the participants, among them we can highlight empowerment, valorization, independence, economy, participation, equality and recognition. Women are happy to produce coffee and seek to increase the number of MOBI participants and the number of female coffee producers.


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Author Biography

Dr., Universidade Federal de Alfenas

Professor at the Department of Statistics at the Federal University of Alfenas, PhD in Agricultural Statistics and Experimentation with post-doctorate in Multivariate Statistics and Sensometry



How to Cite

Pereira, M. I., & Ferreira , E. B. . (2022). Women’s Cafee:: organized women seeking equality in the South of Minas, Brazil. Revista De Extensão E Estudos Rurais, 11(2), 70–94. Retrieved from https://beta.periodicos.ufv.br/rever/article/view/14525