
  • Rosel Abel Martins Acadêmico do curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física na URCAMP.
  • Antônio Evanhoé P. Souza Sobrinho Souza Sobrinho Mestre em Desporto para Crianças e Jovens. Professor da Universidade da Região da Campanha – Bagé/RS


athletics, initiation, teachers, public schools


Athletics was born with man. After all, the oldest of our ancestors already walked, had to run, jump and throw. It was a tough fight against predators and the search for food. It can be said that by improving these skills, the man assured his story. Seeing the need of athletics in school life, we sought to analyze in this research how the practice of this sport happens, its initiation in the municipal schools of elementary education in the city of Bagé, as well as analyze the practice of athletics according to the experience of teachers and also investigate whether those who give the athletics classes had involvement with the sport as a student / athlete. The sample consisted of 28 Physical Education teachers, from the early years, representatives of 37 public schools that comprise the municipal elementary school network in Bagé/RS, who answered a qualitative and quantitative questionnaire containing eight questions. The results showed that 90% of teachers interviewed develop athletics in the early years, and 56% of these were not athletes when students; 68% assert that contemplate superficially the sport in their lesson plans; 52% explain that the school where they teach is not appropriate for the practice of athletics; 52% report that the materials available in the school are not appropriate for application of athletics; and 68% think that students feel very motivated by the practice of the sport. From the teachers interviewed, 72% work athletics in a ludic way, with recreational plays and games, not presenting those activities as initiation to athletics. The results show the interest of teachers in developing athletics, and most of them adapt and improvise to perform their job; it is necessary that schools provide a better structure.


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How to Cite

Martins, R. . A. ., & Souza Sobrinho, A. E. P. S. S. (2014). ATHLETICS IN SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION: AN ANALYSIS OF INITIATION. Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 22(3), 83–100. Retrieved from