
  • Ariane Alexander Graduadas em Fisioterapia pela UNIPAC/Ubá
  • Geisiely de Souza Silva Graduadas em Fisioterapia pela UNIPAC/Ubá.
  • Paulo de Jesus Chaves Graduados em Educação Física pela UNIPAC/BARBACENA.
  • Marina Maria de Oliveira Graduados em Educação Física pela UNIPAC/BARBACENA
  • Rodrigo Vieira Costa Coorientador; Docente do curso de Fisioterapia da UNIPAC/UBÁ
  • Laila Cristina Moreira Damázio Pesquisadora; Especialista em Fisioterapia Neurológica pela UFMG/Mestre em Neurociência pela UFSJ/Docente do curso de Medicina da UFSJ/CCO.


low back pain, stretching, pelvic retroversion and workers


Low back pain is a public health problem. Workers present low back pain due to poor working conditions and excessive working hours. The current study aimed to analyze the effect of two strategies of static stretching (15 and 30 seconds) of the hamstring muscles. It was a experimental work, being tested two different protocols of hamstrings stretching, one of three repetitions of 15 seconds and another of three repetitions of 30 seconds. To evaluate the flexibility it was used a goniometer, which measured the range of motion of the knee and hip; to evaluate the level of back pain, it was used the visual analog scale for pain; to evaluate the pelvic retroversion, photographs with markers in the iliac spines and orthopedic clinical tests were used. 18 workers were selected to compose the sample for the study, randomly divided into three groups, each containing six individuals. The first group (GEA) performed hamstring stretch of three repetitions of 15 seconds; the second group (GEB) performed three repetitions of 30 seconds; and the control group (CG) did not perform any intervention. It was observed that the range of motion increased in groups GEA and GEB, showing no significant differences regarding the protocols. Concerning the EVA scale, it was possible conclude that stretches significantly decreased pain in about 50% of workers. With the qualitative analysis, it was possible to observe decreased pelvic retroversion in groups and GEA and GEB. It is concluded that the stretching protocols, both 15 and 30 seconds, showed no significant differences in the improvement of flexibility and decrease back pain among workers in the furniture factory. 


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How to Cite

Alexander, A. ., Silva, G. de S. ., Chaves, P. de J. ., Oliveira, M. M. de ., Costa, R. V. ., & Damázio, L. C. M. . (2013). EFFECTS OF PASSIVE STRETCHING OF HAMSTRINGS IN LOW BACK PAIN AND PELVIC RETROVERSION OF WORKERS FROM A FURNITURE FACTORY . Revista Mineira De Educação Física, 21(3), 61–79. Retrieved from https://beta.periodicos.ufv.br/revminef/article/view/10121